Monday, August 23, 2010


Binder Assignment #1 "Sensational Summer"
Use your creativity to develop a drawing based on something you did over the summer.  Your drawing can be about a place you visited, family and friends you spent time with, a hobby you enjoy, your favorite spot....the choice is yours.  You may use any materials you like and remember the box of binder paper is also available for you in my classroom.  Remember the 4 grading categories on your rubric: criteria, creativity, craftsmanship and composition! This drawing is due the week of September 13th. (Check the portal for your exact due date) Remember you can ALWAYS submit your drawings early.

Binder Assignment #2 "Totally Terrific Trees!"
As we move into fall, one of my favorite things to observe is the changing of our trees.  Find a spot somewhere outside and OBSERVE a tree.  You may select any tree of your choice, but the assignment is to draw that tree as realistically as possible, using only black pen.  You can use sharpie - ultra fine point, or you may have some micron or uni-ball pens available as well.  If you need to start with pencil to plan your overall composition, do so very lightly.  Then look closely at how the branches go from larger to smaller and how they grow outward. Pay attention to the texture of the bark, the various lines you see, areas of dark and light and overlapping forms. LOOK CLOSELY!   Remember, before you can learn how to draw, you must first learn how to see!  This drawing is due the week of October 4th. (Check the portal for you exact due date) Or turn it in early!

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