Sunday, April 24, 2011


Binder Assignment #7 "My Favorite Things..."

Whether it's raindrops on roses or whiskers on kittens, this drawing should be all about your favorite things.  You may select one or more items to draw, but be sure you are trying to draw realistically and not just using symbols.  Please remember to think about your composition, planning your use of space.  You may use any drawing materials you like for this assignment.  All drawings are due the week of May 9th, but remember to check the portal for your section's exact due date.  Be creative and as always, do your best!

Binder Assignment # 8 "Sweet Sensations"

Hope your sweet tooth is ready for this one!  You need to select a candy bar, or a healthy snack  in the packaging and through close observation, draw the treat you selected as realistically as possible.  Pay attention to the shape of the packaging, the lettering style and other details of the wrapper.  Very tiny details may be omitted, however I challenge you to include as much detail as possible.  PLEASE USE ONLY COLORED PENCIL FOR THIS DRAWING.  This is your last drawing assignment of the year, make it your best!  And when you are finished drawing, reward yourself by eating your sweet treat!  These drawings are due the week of May 23rd.  Be sure to check the portal for your section's exact due date.

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