Sunday, April 13, 2014


Art Binder Assignment #7  " Shoes, Glorious Shoes!"

Andy Warhol painted shoes!  Roy Lichtenstein painted shoes!  We should paint, or rather draw, shoes!!!  For this next art binder assignment, draw a pair, or just one, of your favorite shoes!  You could also draw a shoe you'd love to have, or the most interesting shoe you've ever seen.  The goal is to draw it as realistically as possible, so be sure to have a visual reference when drawing.  Either look at the real shoe, or a picture of it, to ensure you are focusing on the overall shape, color, texture and details that you see in the shoe.  You are welcome to use any materials you like, just be sure that COLOR is evident!  Here are some famous shoe paintings for your inspiration!
All drawings are due the week of April 27th, but please check your myUSM for your section's exact due date.
Happy drawing!
Roy Lichtenstein, Keds ,1961

Andy Warhol, In Search of the Lost Shoe, 1955

Art Binder Assignment #8  "Imaginative Interiors"

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to design your own room?  Do you wish you had an extra window next to your bed or an additional wall dividing your living room?  Well, now is your chance to design you own interior! You can choose to recreate the floor plan of an existing room in your house, OR, you can create a room totally of your own accord!   

Getting started: Use the following site (either on a laptop or the iPad - if on the iPad, you will need to download the app)

This is an AWESOME site with some great ways to design a room.  You can work in 2D or 3D mode.  I enjoyed going back and forth in both views.  When you complete your room, you must do the following:

1. Take a snapshot (Basic) photo of your room in the 2D mode.  It will save as a jpeg.  Put this image into your GoogleDrive Art folder so I can assess your work.   (THIS IS ONLY IF YOU ARE ON THE MAC - NOT FOR IPADS!)
2. Take a snapshot (Basic) photo of your room in the 3D mode and put this image also in your GoogleDrive Art folder. 
Once both images are in your Google Drive Art folder, you are done!  
No drawing for this assignment, however if you are looking for some extra credit, you can draw a piece of furniture from any room in your house!  This can earn you up to 10 extra credit points if done well!  

This assignment is due the week of May 11th. Be sure to check your myUSM to determine your section's due date.
Check out my examples as inspiration! Happy designing!

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