Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Binder Assignment #1 "Sensational Summer"

What did you do this summer?  Were you traveling the world, competing in international sports competitions, laying on a beach in the Caribbean, working to earn some extra spending money, reading and relaxing at home? Whatever you want to express in a work of art is up to you, but your drawing must represent something you did over the summer.  BE CREATIVE!  Let us (the viewer) have a glimpse into your summer fun.  Your drawing can be about a place you visited, family and friends you spent time with, a hobby you enjoy, your favorite spot....the choice is yours.  You may use any drawing materials you like and remember the box of binder paper is also available for you in the art room. Remember the 4 grading categories on your rubric: 
  • criteria 
  • creativity
  • craftsmanship 
  • composition
I will have a digital copy of your rubric on MyUSM.
This drawing is due the week of September 15th, but be sure to check MYUSM for your exact due date.Remember you can ALWAYS submit your drawings early by placing them in your correct section's file drawer when you enter the art room.  Happy drawing!

Binder Assignment #2 "Bug Off!"

Big ones, little ones, scary ones, flying ones, creepy ones and cute ones: bugs!  They are EVERYWHERE and around this time of year, I feel like I can't avoid them!  For this art binder assignment, you are challenged to create an original bug by drawing.  Using ONLY COLORED PENCILS (and regular pencil to begin the drawing) create a bug drawing that looks realistic, but clearly does not exist in our world today.  No cute smily face bugs please.  You need to focus on realism, so look at images of other bugs and insects and see how you can creatively combine body structures to design an original, one of a kind bug like you see here:

image from :
image from :

Don't forget it must be in COLOR!  Be sure to look closely and be creative when adding and combining different structures together. Use your space well, don't draw too small and think about the shapes, texture and detail you can add.
This art binder assignment is due the week of October 6th.  Be sure to check MyUSM for your exact section's due date.
Happy drawing!

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